Does size matter?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Make yourself visible

Women too often try to capture the attention of men with their eyes. This sometimes causes embarrassing moments of awkward blushing and side glances. Why not try to capture our attention by not looking at us? I've noticed that the most attractive women I see, usually don't see me! Why? They have mastered the art of attraction. Here are some tips to get guys to notice you:

1. More color, less black! - Unless you're in mourning avoid, dark or drab colors such as black, dark grey or dark blue. Men are turned off by female insecurity, they often signal deeper issues that we'd rather not deal with. Color expresses confidence and shows us that you are happy with your appearance. There is nothing more annoying to us than women who are constantly complaining about their appearance.

2. Stop scratching your damn hair! - Some men are intrigued by playful flipping or tossing of the hair; as long as its clean. When a guy sees a girl constantly scratching her hair it tells us that she may have other itchy hair occupying regions on her body --- not good.

3. Wear less perfume! - Perfumes by their nature are strong. Rather than spraying yourself from head to toe with your favorite fragrance, try dabbing a small portion to your wrists and the back of your earlobes.

4. Put your boobs away! - If you are trying to attract sex, by all means carry on. But if you see yourself as more than a casual lay, try to cover up a bit. If you can see cleavage when you look in the mirror you are showing too much. Guys with class, also know as gentlemen, can see what you're working with already, cleavage is not creating intrigue. And guys like intrigue.


  1. Great words....makes you really self evaluate and organize priorities!

    Wow, guys know what they want huh? So what does it mean when they wait 6 years? Is it my fault?

  2. hmmm.....some of those things sound a lot like me....wait a minute...i think some of these ARE me.

    I happen to wear a lot of black and white, but not because I'm insecure about my figure. I just don't want to fuss over what I wear, and having different colors means worrying about clashing colors, color coordinating, etc. For me, it's all about working the ebony and ivory. Some might even say they go together in perfect harmony :)

  3. Anonymous 1,
    Guys know. If he had to wait six years, chances are he knew but just didn't want to cut off ties with the other women at that time.

    Anonymous 2,
    Great points about the colors and the work associated with coordinating! You can have some fun with it, after all your body is your palette to the world.

    Keep smiling,
    Mr. G

  4. I guess...that is hard to swallow. I don't think other women go away! I also feel it is healthy to have a little infidelity.
